2022-07-09 07:35:40 By :

For Sale: 10’ cattleguard w/ concrete “L” bases, sold as unit $1600 OBO – 281-989-0868

For Sale: (2) female Chihuahuas, 2 mo. old, eating solid food $100 ea., can send pictures ; recumbent dual trike, side x side, 3-speed, tandem $1200 – 713-478-4356

Personal: affordable lawn service – mowing, weed eating, blowing, etc., great prices, FREE est. – 979-270-3971 call or text

Personal: general clean-up, gutter cleaning, fence painting, pressure washing, lawn mowing, flower bed and fence line clean up, tree cutting and trimming, moving, load and unload U-Hauls, demolition of old houses and barns, low, low, cost services, FREE est. – 979-203-3447

Personal: towing, wash trailers/cars/trucks, incl. int. shampooing, will come to you, all types of pressure washing for houses/driveways/mobile homes/etc., work on flower beds, rake leaves, sm. lawn service, haul trash and junk, move all appliances and furniture – 979-451-7762

Personal: construction and Handy Man services, NO job too small, 20 yrs. exp., lots of references – 979-830-3536 Ray

Personal: Handy man Services – wood floors, tile, tree trimming, painting , FREE Est. -- 979-551-6657 call or text

Personal: tractor work, lot and pasture shredding, tilling gardens and food plots, loader and box blade work – 979-256-7512 call or text

Personal: Handy Man services – 25 yrs. exp., electric services, concrete work, home remodeling, roofing, painting, decks, framing, plumbing, and more, FREE est., Se Habla Espanol – 979-347-7468

For FREE: firewood, from downed Post Oak tree, YOU must cut up – 979-830-1022

For FREE: St. Augustine grass, 50’x3’, thick, healthy ; Oak logs ; For Sale: men’s Trek bicycle, exce. cond. $200 ; women’s bicycle, good cond. $45 – 979-251-7491

Tool Sale: Fri. 8a-3p and Sat. 8a-12n 6030 Hwy. 105 E. (4 mi. from Blue Bell Rd. on the right) ; HUGE sale - drill press, wood lathe, tile saw, miter saw, scroll saw, lots of power tools, air tools, hand tools, and other misc. tools, over (100) tools, all priced to sell

Personal: sharpening services – will sharpen chainsaw blades, mower blades, knives, garden tools, etc. – 979-451-1252 LM

For Sale: Border Collie/Blue Heeler mix pups, working parents, will make great pets – 979-451-0117

For Sale: roller pigeons, various colors – 979-716-1049

Garage Sale: Thur. and Fri. 8a-? 3970 Hwy. 36 N. ; collectible Barbie dolls, boys jeans, baseball cards, and other misc. items

Personal: mobile detailing, hand wash and wax, shampoo carpets, treat leather seats, clean RVs/travel trailers/boats/semis, acid wash aluminum horse and stock trailers, polishing, pressure washing, window cleaning, have references – 979-203-4492

Personal: all types of hauling, general clean-up, tree trimming, tear down old sheds/barns/houses ; Wanted: junk cars and trucks in any cond., non-working farm equipment, appliances, riding mowers, a/cs – 979-251-4585 anytime

For Sale: Brangus/Wagyu cross heifer, 1 yr. old – 979-966-7577

Personal: roofing, electrical, FREE est., bilingual – 979-525-1431 call or text

For Sale: (2) bottle goats, 3 wks. old $100 ea. – 979-595-6445

For Sale: boys Mongoose 20” “Rebel” bike $60 ; (2) above ground pool filter cartridges $11 – 979-277-5952

For Sale: 18” girls pink bike, new tube $25 ; sm. Barbie scooter $8 ; kids tricycle riding toy, push handle to move ; 3-tier glass TV stand, heavy $40 ; wood/glass end table $15 – 979-277-8845

For Sale: square bales of Coastal hay $8 ea. ; ’06 gooseneck travel trailer, 28’ $7500 – 979-733-4262

Wanted: round bales of hay, reasonable price – 979-251-2505

For Sale: portable fireplace, dark brown wood mantle, set up for city gas -- 979-203-1361

Personal: plumbing work, 35 yrs. exp. – 979-661-1352

Personal: yard work, weed eating, flower beds, tree trimming ; Wanted: someone that can fix refrigerator – 979-551-1826

For Sale: ’06 Ford F-150 truck, 4WD ; bed cap from sm. Chevy truck ; goat manure ; rooster, nice $5 ; newly hatched chicks $2.50 ea. – 979-530-7421 NO TEXTING

Personal: electrical work and light plumbing – 979-451-3939

Personal: complete tree removal, stump grinding, planting, lot and fence clearing, landscaping, pressure washing, fence painting, trash and debris removal, fence repair, moving, and more ; For Sale: firewood – mesquite, pecan, post oak, hickory – 979-203-5249

For Sale: sewing machine in cabinet, good cond. $50 ; lg. aquarium w/ stand and accessories $75 – 979-716-9133

Wanted: young, sm., colorful rooster – 979-277-2208

For Sale: 220v window a/c ; 24’ travel trailer – 979-551-1155

For FREE: mixed pups, 8 wks. old, (3) female and (1) male, parents are about 10 lbs., healthy – 979-451-3773

Wanted: 27” kitchen range, electric, white – 979-203-4316

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