Jun 14, 2022 | Arts, Burien, Entertainment, Events, Featured Post, News, Normandy Park, Sponsored | 0
Casa Italiana Italian Cultural Center in Burien is where the fun will be on Saturday, June 25, 2022, from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. at their annual Vespa Festa.
You can enjoy a host of activities including eating Italian entrees and baked goods, sipping festive wines and beers, viewing a demonstration of Pizzica style dancing from Puglia, tapping your toes to Italian music, shopping the Rosso Gardens plant stand, as well as the Casa’s Italian Market.
And of course at the center of the festivities you will see a plethora of Vespas from vintage to modern, plus you can purchase raffle tickets to win a Vespa of your very own! Raffle tickets are available NOW and you need not be present to win. The winner will be drawn at the Festa.
This event is all in celebration of the iconic Italian Scooters, with proceeds to support the continuing vitality and growth of Burien’s Casa Italiana Italian Cultural Center.
While you are there, be sure to check out the Casa Caffe where you can find authentic and delicious coffee, pastries, panini and gelato on a daily basis -not just for the festival. The Casa Italiana is a remarkable addition to our region’s cultural scene. Inside you will find displays honoring the contributions of Seattle’s founding Italian families, a history rich in resilience, hard work and faithful determination. The Center also plays host to the Honorary Consulate of Italy of the State of Washington- Idaho and Montana, with an honorary consul who can preform certain official duties on-site.find out more here: https://www.casaitalianacc.org/italian-honorary-consulate-seattle/
Come support the Casa at this can’t miss event. Volunteers and staff wish you “Benvenuti a Casa Nostra” Welcome to our house!
Casa Italiana is located at 13028 1st Ave S.:
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