Suburban Jungle unites plant lovers gardeners in Collingswood

2022-07-09 07:28:42 By : Mr. Peggy Li

Monica Miller was looking for her plant people in the Collingswood community, so she launched a Facebook page to find them.

Suburban Jungle first took root in early 2019 and is going strong with more than 2,400 members. What began as an online community has blossomed into a book club, a lending library and much more.

The group offers networking opportunities and plant advice, fosters relationships with local businesses and inspires new friendships.

It's like a plant that thrives and evolves over time when it watered and well cared for.

Suburban Jungle was founded before the pandemic, but the isolation of the COVID-19 crisis is one reason for its growth, sometimes in surprising ways.

“I started the group in February of 2019, before the pandemic,” Miller explained. “I guess at that point, I had been looking for people to connect with around plants in my area. I added people that I knew were into plants and it’s grown from there — and definitely changed a lot over the pandemic.

"It’s been pretty cool ... It was originally focused on house plants, then it’s kind of grown into gardening.''

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Miller grew up in Philadelphia and moved with her husband to Collingswood for the first time in 2004, and the move inspired her love of plants. Her husband's career as a park ranger meant they later left the borough, but moved back to Collingswood in 2013.

Her first time gardening was in Collingswood. Miller appreciated the space she had, and that sparked an interest in farming. She later volunteered at a farm in the Germantown area of Philadelphia, and began taking classes.

“I had a big interest in horticulture, but then we ended up moving for my husband’s job,” she recalled, a job that meant moving more than once.

Once they returned to the area, Miller had the chance to resume pursuing her passion and connect with people around plants. She had been in a Facebook group for a plant exchange in Philadelphia earlier, and once her kids were a bit older, she wanted to find that community here. When she didn't, she grew her own.

Originally, the group offered a few plant swaps. "The first swap, there was probably five people,” Miller recalled.

Miller connected with the Collingswood Farmers Market and hosted a plant swap there, which introduced the group to a lot of people. Later, the group connected with Bespoke Home + Life, a local store known for house plants and related items. Suburban Jungle hosted a workshop there as well, which drew new members.

The plant stand was launched in April 2020 in front of Miller’s home in Collingswood, and now attracts plant lovers from neighboring towns, Miller explained.

“People from 45 minutes away come to the plant stand,” she said.

So, why does someone seek out a plant stand?

“I’ve kind of thought of the lending libraries that are around. I thought maybe I could do that with plants as a safe way to exchange plants during the pandemic. I put out a wooden crate. I always save sunflower seeds. I put out sunflower seeds, some veggie seedlings, and encourage people in the group to grab them,'' Miller explained. "People were interested in bringing their own stuff, so now we’ve kind of expanded it so now we have a couple of shelves in front of my house where people drop off and pick up indoor plants, outdoor plants.”

On any given day, people may find house or garden plants, plant cuttings, seeds, pots for plants, herbs or even tea. Miller communicates with members daily through the Facebook group, offering updates on what's available and guidelines for sharing.

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She offers a seed bar with seeds in different jars and people are welcome to take as much as they want.

Plants and gardening have helped many people cope with anxiety and stress throughout the pandemic, and during these tumultuous times. Miller and others say the pandemic is at least partially responsible for Suburban Jungle's popularity.

“I think what’s grown the group so much is people being able to have a (safe) way to try gardening during a really tough time and still have a community,” Miller added.

As the group resonated with more plant lovers, new ideas took hold. In addition to plant swaps and workshops, the group now also offers a little lending library and a book club, founded by Suburban Jungle member Emily Beach Paull in 2021.

“I realize I’m kind of adding something every year,” Miller said with a little laugh.

Beach Paull, also a Collingswood resident, said the idea came after she realized she'd been reading so much more during the pandemic.

“I was reading a lot, but like a lot of people struggling with the isolation of quarantine living. I thought, well, ‘Would there be a way to take this activity and use it to socialize with people?’ ” she recalled. '' ... I’m so interested in subjects like plants, gardening and the environment, and I thought how fun would it to be able to discuss books with a group of like-minded people.”

The book club meets about every two months. When it began, Miller and Beach Paull asked Suburban Jungle Facebook group members what books they would recommend. They are still working their way through those suggestions, and book club members have made more suggestions as well.

In its first year and a half, the group has ready books about science, botany, gardening, climate change and more, in a host of genres spanning everything from academia to novels to poetry.

“I want to make sure they’re reading things that are fun and relevant for them,” Paull said. “… The books are linked thematically but we’ve read from all different genres. We started meeting on Zoom because the pandemic was well underway when the group started, but recently we started meeting in person.”

Beach Paull, who is married with children, works at Educational Testing Service in Princeton. She’s lived in Collingswood since 2005.

“I’ve made a lot of connections and have met a lot of people who I didn’t already know,” she says. “I think there’s so many reasons to like living in Collingwood and this is a great example of one of those. I love that Monica started this group … It’s been a really wonderful opportunity for those of us with a common interest to connect with one another.

“One of the things we try to do as a book club is support local book sellers. We try to make local connections with Inkwood Books in Haddonfield to order the selections or, once Ida’s Bookshop opened in Collingswood, obviously, that’s even more local.”

The group and the book club have collaborated with Ida’s, as well as with the Collingswood Monarch Project, a local initiative that obtains grants and other funding to buy supplies and create pollinator-friendly waystations throughout the borough for Monarch butterflies, Beach Paull said.

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“We chose a book called ‘Black Faces, White Spaces (Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors)' by Carolyn Finney and placed the book order through Ida’s, hoping to drive local business to her store,” she added. “And Jeannine Cook, who owns the store, she very kindly agreed to donate some of the proceeds from each sale to the Collingswood Monarch Project.

“To me, having those kinds of local connections is very much in the spirit of what Suburban Jungle does in the first place.”

Launched in March, the lending library is not your typical Little Free Library.

Miller connected with Westmont resident John Martin who donated the materials and his time to build the library. It has a green roof and is beside the plant stand in front of her home.

Miller puts books inside, and other people also drop off books about gardening, the outdoors and nature.

“Then I partnered with Jeannine of Ida’s,” Miller said. “She sourced five books that are plant-related. People can go there and buy them and donate them to the library. That way, we have current curated books coming in. We also have kids’ books.”

By day, Miller works at the University of Pennsylvania at The Wharton School in fundraising. She and her husband Brian Hogan have two children, Henry, 9, and June, 6.

“I’ve always been interested in all of this,” Miller recalled, adding that the Suburban Jungle experience has proven educational at just the right time.

“I always felt like I had to go back to school to get a horticulture degree, which is just not something I can do right now. The group has really expanded my idea of gardening and nature. I’ve learned about mycology, pollinators, native plants. There’s a lot of people who have a lot of knowledge and it’s been really great to learn from them.”

Suburban Jungle founder Monica Miller offers the following tips for starting your own plant exchange:

∎ The Horticultural Society of South Jersey, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, invites anyone with an interest in gardening and horticulture to join them. The group started an HSSJ Monarch Project in the fall of 2020, led by its first vice president Gwenne Baile, a Haddon Township resident (known for her backyard chickens). Baile is a Camden County Master Gardener, who has a Certified Monarch Waystation in her yard.

∎ The Camden County Certified Gardeners Program has a helpline office at the County Office of Sustainability’s Lakeland complex (it’s currently closed) at 508 Lakeland Road in Blackwood. However, residents may leave a message or email and ask the certified gardeners for advice on “all aspects of gardening, including lawn care, pest identification, plant disease diagnosis, gardening for pollinators and more,” the website states. You also can get information on becoming a certified gardener. For general questions, call 856-216-7130.

∎ The Garden Club of New Jersey, founded in 1925, has over 4,000 members and “provides education, resources, and opportunities for adults and youth members to expand the love of gardening and floral design” and encourages participation in civic, environmental and historic preservation projects.