By Katrina Bush - Fayette County Farmers Market vendor
How is everyone out there doing? Have you been able to get out for dog walks, hikes, bicycle rides, garden tilling, weed whacking? Has the spring weather been confining or perfect, or somewhere in between?
This is the windiest spring I can remember. While we had flooding rains this past week, April was not as wet as the past two Aprils, so getting the garden beds ready has been easier.
The early spring planted crops are faring well…radish, greens, beets, chard, and peas were garden planted as early as March. The brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, kale, and the like) appreciate the cooler weather we’ve been having and those plants are doubtless fairing well, assuming they’re protected from the nibbling critters.
Onion sets and potatoes are in, and onion seedlings will be transplanted soon, if not already. With the heat we’ll have this week, bean and corn seed will quickly germinate, and we’ll be nearly ready for the tomatoes and peppers, squash and cucumbers.
Peppers and eggplant seedlings need warm temperatures and a long period to germinate and develop decent sized seedlings. So these, and the tomatoes, are generally started in a protected, well lit environment. And that brings us back to wind. Getting these plants outside to harden off has been tricky this spring. Those tender stalks snap easily and tomatoes seedlings tend to be “leggy.” Doubtless, the plants that make it through this hardening off period are going to be robust!
You should be finding some beautiful plants at the Fayette County Farmers Market in these first weeks, allowing you to start or expand your gardens, both vegetable and flowering. Whether you have a big garden, a raised bed or two, or just a few pots, you’re sure to find an old favorite, or something worth trying for the first time.
The first market of 2022 brings the return of Market Kid’s Craft! Join Mrs. Debra at the Market Info Tent to make your very own hummingbird feeder while learning a little about hummingbirds.
As an additional bonus, Fonda Fichthorn and Pamela Anderson of the South Plymouth Porch Pickers will be providing delightful dulcimer music from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The Market is open Saturday morning from 8:30 to noon and is located in the municipal parking lot on the corner of South Main and East East streets in Washington C.H. SNAP EBT food benefit cards and credit/debit cards are accepted.
Those using the SNAP EBT card for food purchases receive matching dollar “Produce Perks” tokens ($1 for $1) good only for fruits, vegetables, and food producing plants. So,”buy one, get one” for up to $25 every market day. Five-dollar coupons will be available again for Fayette County Farm Bureau members at each Saturday market; these can be spent at both the Wednesday and Saturday markets.
The following list contains the names and products of the vendors that expect to set up this Saturday. Other vendors may participate as well:
– Biers Run Mudd (Rachel Shepard and Eric Harris): Wheel thrown stoneware: mugs, bowls, pitchers and more.
– Bridge View Garden (Hunter and Lorelle Rohrer): Lettuce, radishes, rhubarb. Hanging baskets. Perennial and annual bedding plants. Vegetable and herb garden plants.
– Cheryl’s Country Crafts (Cheryl Braun and David Stewart): Crafts (wood).
– Cozy Baby Blessings (Nancy Cutter): Cozy Baby Blessings: Baby Essentials including crochet blankets and hats, flannel receiving blankets and burb cloths, sensory crinkle toys, pacifier clips, teethers, and silicone tableware. Also, hand poured wax melts (50+ scents), crochet dish cloths, pot scrubbers, and beaded pens.
– Engeti (Alana Walters): Baked goods including bread, cinnamon rolls, rolls, cakes, pies, cookies.
– Greens & Greenery (Katrina Bush): Native shrubs/trees: agoda dogwood, elder, river birch. Perennial ornamental, flowering and herb plants: fern, astilbe, daisy, columbine, mountain mint, lemon balm, peppermint, sage, clary sage. Rhubarb. Pear preserves, rozelle (hibiscus) jam. Sourdough bread and crackers.
– Jim’s Premium Ground Beef (Jim Hobbs): Premium ground beef in assorted packages (patties, bulk tubes).
– Julie G’s Cookies (Julie Greenslade): Cookies: sugar, ginger, oatmeal raisin , chocolate chip, peanut butter, chocolate peanut butter bars, salted caramel bars, lemon bars , snickerdoodles. Peanut butter fudge.
– Lorre Black Umbrellas, LLC (Lorre Black): Unique designer umbrellas and T-shirts.
– Ohio Artisan Beef (W.J. and Lanita Fannin): Assorted cuts of local beef (¼ and ½ carcass packages).
– Persinger Produce and Cottage Foods, The Jam Man (David Persinger): Apple butter, JAMS: strawberry, strawberry rhubarb, rhubarb, triple berry, peach, peach flamingo, blueberry, cherry, blackberry, seedless blackberry, red raspberry, red raspberry jalapeno, and pineapple habanero and JELLIES: grape, hot pepper jelly and NO ADDED SUGAR: peach, strawberry, and seedless blackberry.
– Persinger Produce and Cottage Foods & S. Plymouth Raw Honey (Julie and Dennis Mosny): Assorted fruit pies, Buns Bars, cinnamon rolls, and Cinni Minis. Local raw honey.
– Sulphur Lick Treasures (Christina Skaggs): Custom tumblers made on the spot, hand made earrings, plant stakes, air plant holders, propagation stands, signs, and trinkets.
– Wood Designs by DW (Debbie Welch): One of a handcrafted wood items— birdhouses, signs, tables, gnomes. Crocheted items including kitchen towels, pot scrubs, pot holders, baby booties, and afghans. Will take custom and special orders.
– Your Other Mother’s Kitchen (Don and Sara Creamer): Artisan breads, and other baked good. Jewelry pouches and notebooks.
Fayette County Farmers Market vendor
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