Annual tradition at Oconomowoc flower stand helps local child in need

2022-05-14 06:00:11 By : Ms. Vana Yi

Drive into the city of Oconomowoc on Highway 16 in spring, and there's a fair chance you'll see a pop-up greenhouse on the side of the road.

A vibrant array of flowers and plants line the shelves inside and outside, drawing loyal and new customers looking to spice up their gardens. While the colors and variety catch the eye, one of the most unique features sits beside the register: a large Mason jar with a child's photo and story affixed to it.

It's a tradition Sandy Marchese, who runs the stand, has cherished for the past five seasons. Each year, she seeks out a child in the area whose family might be in need. In past years, she's done this via word of mouth, referrals and talking to people coming in.

Once she's decided, she sets out the jar, watches it fill up and crochets a blanket to give to the child.

"That's why I do this. To let the family know they are not alone, and bring the child to the people because the people really do care," said Marchese, of Summit. "There’s so many good people in this world. We’re so used to seeing all the doom and gloom in the world that we forget how many good people are really out there."

Her customers have rallied around this annual act. For six weeks starting in April each year, the jar fills up over and over again. Regulars already know to ask Marchese about this year's choice, and new customers are welcomed to listen to Marchese share the story while checking out. Most put in their change or a few dollars. Others have donated as much as $100.

"That's just how people are around here; they want to help," Marchese said. "They're just good people."

At the end of the season, she'll present the jar and the blanket to the family — something she has done every year since she was inspired to start the project in 2016 after a chance encounter with a grandmother and her granddaughter.

Marchese has managed her stand since 2014 after leaving her job as outdoor plant manager for Stein's Garden & Home. In her first year, she worked for Jim Stamper of Stamper's Greenhouse. A family friend, it took only one season for Stamper to ask Marchese to become his partner and the sole operator of the Oconomowoc stand (there are two other Stamper's stands: in Sauk City and Waunakee).

With decades of gardening expertise, Marchese can answer any question about every plant in stock. It's why she draws big crowds each season, and she remembers everyone and their stories. 

She especially remembers when Julie Klug and her granddaughter Mirabel stopped by the stand in 2016. Mirabel, who was 2 at the time, had the biggest smile on her face, Marchese recalled.

"This little girl had such a happiness and glow to her that just kind of pulled you in," Marchese said. "So I told her to go pick out a pack of flowers, and she picked purple petunias because her favorite color was purple."

As this happened, Marchese was talking with Julie. That's when Marchese learned that Mirabel was battling cancer, a form that had kept popping up in the child's life. The family had been through a lot because of it, yet Mirabel was always smiling.

Touched by the story, Marchese asked if she could help.

"I asked her (Julie) if it would be OK to set out a Mason jar with Mirabel's picture so people could throw their change in there," Marchese said. "People started filling it right away."

In addition to the jar, Marchese also decided to crochet a purple blanket for Mirabel, inspired by her favorite color. At the end of the season, the jar had about $200 in it.

"They came to the stand, and I handed them the jar and said this is for you, do whatever you need to," Marchese said. "If you want to pay bills, if you want to set up an account for Mirabel, whatever you want to do. This is for her."

The gesture meant the world to the family. Although Mirabel died in spring 2017 after three years battling cancer, they stayed in touch with Marchese and continue to contribute to and support the jar for the families Marchese has helped since.

But that one moment, as well as the others that inspire her to put the jar out every year, keep Marchese coming back each year.

"Mirabel planted that seed in me," Marchese said. "I just want to share that with the community."

Putting out the jar seems like a simple act, but the effect on the family that receives the fruits of this small act of kindness is vast. 

Last year, Marchese raised about $600 for the family. Marchese said the families often return to pay it forward, and she commends every regular who comes in now, asking before they get to the counter who this year's child is.

"A lot of people come to me and say, "What you're doing is amazing,' and 'you're a hero,'" Marchese said. "The hero is the child going through this. The heroes are the parents dealing with this. The heroes are the people in the community who open their hearts to these children. I'm just the messenger. I'm just getting the message out. That's all it is."

This year's child is Chloe Lundy of Dousman. The 14-year-old was born with infant Pompe disease. Diagnosed at 8 days old, she was given six to nine months to live. Chloe has surpassed that but still lives with the condition, which affects her muscles, heart and lungs. She has had numerous surgeries and is limited in what she can do because she has zero immune system.

Marchese found the story by posting on a Waukesha County Facebook group. When she heard Lundy's story, Marchese approached the family about having Chloe be this year's recipient.

The stand opened April 28 and will operate until flowers run out, which Marchese said is usually around the second week of June. The stand is open for 11 to 12 hours daily, starting in the morning and going until about 9 p.m.

At the end of the season, Marchese will deliver the jar to the Lundy family. Usually, the family comes to the stand. Because of Chloe's condition, Marchese will go to her this year.

"When it's time, I smoosh all of the money down into the jar, nice and tight, and I meet with the family and give them the jar and the blanket," Marchese said. 

Drew Dawson can be reached at or (262) 289-1324.