
2022-06-18 16:52:45 By : Ms. Li Jody

Most of you know I love my garage and workshop. But things pile up when I get busy filming and travelling. My garage floor becomes a dumping ground for items, leaving a cluttered workspace, no easy access to tool storage or wall storage. However, with the proper garage storage solutions, you can make the most out of your garage, no matter how small.

The first thing I suggest is to give your garage a good cleaning you should do regularly. Wipe down all the surface areas, including the walls and doors, and give the floor a good clean with a sweep or workshop-grade vacuum.

The next step is to declutter and reorganize all the things piling up and get them off the floor. On the next nice sunny day, move everything outside so you can sort and reorganize everything.

Garages provide additional storage space, but not all household items should be stored there. Car supplies, yard tools, sports and leisure equipment, tools, recyclables, and season decor are ideal items to store in your garage space. Electronics, books, and clothing, on the other hand, should be stored elsewhere, such as a basement or attic. Firewood should be stored outside, but must be protected from the weather. Hazardous materials and chemicals should be kept in a locked cabinet.

When you’re sorting through your items, remember to get rid of boxes, especially if you are short on space, as packaging can take up a lot of area. To keep things organized, I like to use zones. Designate places or bins for all your different items, like recycling, sports equipment, camping gear, seasonal, etc.

Maximizing storage within a specific space uses the same principle, no matter what room you’re organizing. Take full advantage of unused vertical space by constructing simple shelves out of scrap wood or buy ready-made plastic or metal shelving. Consider using transparent or opaque heavy-duty containers. Not only will they help keep you organized, but they will also keep contents secure and protected — add a labelling system to make it foolproof.

If you want to make your garage fully customized, there are some excellent storage options on the market. Look for high-quality, durable products that allow you to create a unique space and utilize your garage’s overhead space, including over doorways, windows, and around corners.

We recently used a terrific customizable storage system in our electrician Frank’s garage, made of heavy-duty steel and aircraft-grade support wires that can hold up to 600 pounds per shelf. The shelves also include a clever safety lip to keep your bins and stuff secure, so they don’t fall off.

Installing a pegboard is another excellent solution to help you stay organized, especially if you don’t need anything fancy or are on a budget. Because the holes on the pegboard are close together, smaller items, such as individual screwdrivers, may be conveniently displayed. There are also pegboard kits available.

An alternative to pegboard is Slatwall made of PVC or steel and used to create wall coverings or display fixtures. Slatwall includes horizontal grooves or slats in which hanging bins, hooks, and shelves can be used. I like it because it gives you alternatives for organizing your garage in the way that works best for you. Steel Slatwall systems are also strong enough to hold tools, knives, and machinery.

To maximize the usable space in your garage, utilize the overhead space in the ceiling. Overhead tracking systems are a terrific solution. They can be a cost-effective solution as long as they are properly installed and your garage ceiling can support the weight. Storage unit manufacturers put their products through vigorous testing and grading up to a particular weight limit to ensure safety. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure you’re screwing into a stud. Plus, overhead racks are ideal for items that aren’t used regularly, like outdoor gear, camping equipment, and seasonal items.

In addition to wall-mounted and overhead shelving, a cabinet system is also a great option if you have room in your garage. A clean and clutter-free garage means you will likely spend more time there if you find it welcoming and functional. Again, there are many different garage cabinetry options available. Still, you need something that is durable and provides the storage options you need, like a combination of cabinets and drawers. It will help keep you organized and protect your items from dust and grime.

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