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2022-07-29 21:56:15 By : Ms. Pressure Gauge

SEYMOUR, Tenn. (WVLT) - Marching bands across east Tennessee are on their practice fields in the heat and prepping a new show for you this fall.

In Seymour, the entire band had another rehearsal on Thursday to prep for their fall show called Blossom.

“It’s called Blossom, and if you can’t tell from that, it’s like a flower show. S,o we’ve got like a flower goddess,” said Lily Mize, Percussion Captain. “I don’t march, I play marimba, so I get pretty lucky. I just get to stand there and move my hands, but it is hot outside when I do go outside. I feel bad for everybody who does march, for sure.”

The band moved inside the gym in hopes to beat the heat.

“It’s hot, but this week the weather has been actually really good and there’s been breeze and the clouds are so nice that one big cloud that will come over and stay for like two minutes at a time. We all love that,” said Courtney Mchan, Senior Drum Major.

Band Director, Joseph Cole, said full water bottles and 10-minute power breaks the past two weeks have been helpful.

“Last Friday was probably one of the hardest days that I’ve been through out of the band camp. We actually even are on asphalt this year. For band camp, at least, instead of on grass, and it’s about 10 to 15 degrees hotter on the asphalt,” said Cole.

As for this year’s show, Cole said he started working on it in December, looking for something football fans and judges will love.

“Level of difficulty going through that. We want to make an artistic statement that’s still relevant to a Friday night football crowd and something that a judge would really love to see, as well as your local Seymour person who’s here for a football game,” said Cole.

Mize and Mchan said this may be their favorite show yet.

“It shows like a sense of hope and how we can see the hope coming in. There’s a lot of moves in the drill, where the band just like blossoms out and just like spreads out across the field, and it’s really cool,” said Mchan.

“The flower goddess is just like going around and making it happen. And the music I think is really unique because it’s kind of forest like wood lindy like fairies and so I really liked that,” said Mize.

Their first performance of the season is Friday night when they’ll show off what their two weeks of hard work have accomplished.

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