In celebration of Independent Bookstore Day (April 30), independent bookstores have been sharing their plans including special events, speakers, and bookshop crawls. If you are interested in partnering with a store or want to connect to learn more about their plans, feel free to reach out. Additionally, if you have something planned for Indepedent Bookstore Day this year, let ABA know.
Find resources, assets, and more on the Indepedent Bookstore Day page. We’ve also compiled a list of ideas on to help!
Here are how some bookstores plan to spend the day, listed by state:
Come celebrate Indie Bookstore Day with us and these Alabama authors!
Alexandria Cunningham, Hot Tea and Laughter (Young Adult Novella) 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Jason Fisher, To Where You Are (Memoir) 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Bookmark coloring for children, new and used book sale, April Showers Bring May Flowers Scavenger Hunt, and drawings for free books.
A Seat at the Table Books and Coffee
We are going to have mimosas in the morning and pieces of Raaka organic/vegan chocolate all day! Five local authors, IBD merchandise, and kids get a gift from the BookSmart Treasure Chest.
Flintridge Bookstore celebrates Independent Bookstore Day and the store’s 15th birthday this year, and we’re planning events for all ages. We have invited local authors for meet-and-greets and signings, as well as a poetry reading. We also have local artists displaying their work. Plus giveaways, a drawing for various genres of books, Where’s Waldo challenge, scavenger hunt, and special birthday activities.
To date, confirmed participants include: artists Anthe Wosczyna, Little Muse Designs jewelry & Lucia Francis fabric totes and accessories; authors Dannie & Dallas Raines, Chester and the Hot Air Balloon (early reader); Kim Fay, Love & Saffron (fiction); Rachel Montez Minor, The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (picture book); Poet Charlotte Inness, Twenty Pandemicals. Stay tuned as more featured guests are added.
We are having Story Time at 10:00 am, a Cookie Pop-Up with Mara’s Bakeshop from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, a Bookshelf Art Craft from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, an Open Mic for local writers from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and Book Lovers Trivia from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm! As well as giving out prizes with every purchase!
Mysterious Galaxy will be participating in IBD by offering IBD exclusives, as well as participating in the San Diego Book Crawl 2022!
Hosting author Lauren McBrayer for a signing of her book Like a House on Fire, then a meet-and-greet of local authors.
Sacramento Area Stores: Ruby’s Books, Beers Books, Crawford’s Books, East Village Bookshoop, Amatoria Fine Art Books, Wild Sisters Book Co., Avid Reader Bookstore, Capital Books, Underground Books, and A Seat at the Table Books
2nd Annual Gold Country Book Tour — Visit all your favorite Indie Bookstores in greater Sacramento area and earn prizes!
We are doing a Bookstore Crawl with 10 other local indie bookstores, and party in the bookstore!
Lots in store! We will be participating in the CT Passport Program with other independent bookstores across the state and hosting two local author events; a children's book signing with Valerie Bolling and an afternoon book launch celebration with Jane Green (celebrating Sister Stardust release) and Deborah Royce (who will discuss Ruby Falls coming out in paper).
We are hosting author Nan Rossiter at 11:00 am to read from and sign her book, A Good Measure and Leslie Bulion will be here at 1:00 pm to read and sign her new book, Serengeti: Plains of Grass. We will have a special Blackwing testing station, several raffles throughout the day, and we will be part of the two-day CT Bookstore Crawl.
We will be participating in the CT Passport Program with other CT indies. We have Florence and Wendell Minor (local author & illustrator) visiting & promoting four of their newest children's books. We will have Blind Date With A Book and Guess The Shredded Book, along with a spring flower giveaway.
Part of the Connecticut Independent Bookstore Day Passport Program, a 2-day crawl across the state!
9:00 am virtual story time with children’s author Matt Myers (Children of the Forest), as well as prizes and giveaways all day!
We have fun events planned all day long! We are planning to donate ten percent of proceeds from this day to Read, Write to Lead. We will have exclusive Indie Bookstore Day products for sale. The day’s events include: Kid’s Story Time at 11 am; A local author signing with June E. Titus from 2 to 4 pm; The Great Bookshelf Bake Off (all day), where Bookshelf staff members are bringing baked goods and you get to sample them and vote for the Star Baker. And announcing the winner of our t-shirt design contest.
Design Your Bookstore Extravaganza — We all love Independent Bookstores, right? There is just something extra special about each and every one of them. Have you ever thought about if you had a bookstore what it would look like? Now is your chance to design one! Whether it’s a poster, sketch or 3D design, we want you to submit your entry for the Bookstore Extravaganza. This Extravaganza is for both kids and adults. You can even have fun and make it a family project.
The Book Worm Team will choose a design to win a Book Worm All Access Pass, which includes:
All entries must be submitted by April 16, 2022. The winning entry will be announced and displayed at The Book Worm Bookstore on Independent Bookstore Day (April 30, 2022).
This Independent Bookstore Day (April 30) we will be hosting an online Freedom to Read-A-Thon, where our staff will be reading books and chatting with authors, to raise money for Kids’ Right to Read.
YAY, we’ll be able to celebrate Indie Bookstore Day IN PERSON this year! Some of your favorite local authors will be on hand to sign books and we’ll be hosting our annual Spring Sidewalk Sale, offering hundreds of gently-loved books for $1 or less as well as the ever-popular Blind Date with a Book & Tea for just $15 a bundle.
Plus, we'll have some exclusive 2022 Indie Bookstore Day merch to give away to 20 lucky winners! For your chance to win an awesome tote bag packed with bookish goodies, visit the bookstore Saturday, April 30, between noon and 5 pm, and post a photo on your favorite social media platform with the hashtag #bookstoreday2022.
Swamp Fox Bookstore & Swamp Fox Kids
We will be celebrating our new expanded shop, plus Prima the Alpaca will be making an appearance (weather permitting) between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm.
We are doing our “Bag Full of Spring” Sale. We give every customer a brown bag and let them fill it with as many designated books as they can for a low price.
We’re celebrating our 30th Anniversary along with IBD! To celebrate, we’ll be debuting the first of 3 different limited edition tote bags we’ll be offering this year. It’ll be for sale, but you can also get one for free if you spend $100 or more.
We’ll also have free Atomic Books/Independent Bookstore Day buttons. And, of course, double Big Spender Card marks.
Plus, it also happens to be Local Yarn Store Day, and we’ve teamed up with our neighbors at Lovelyarns and their friends at Snallygaster Fibers. Lovelyarns will be offering three exclusive yarn colorways inspired by Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Universe: “Dream,” “Delirium,” and “The Endless.” If you buy this yarn at Lovelyarns and show us a receipt from April 30, you get 15% off Sandman books. Or, if you show the folks at Lovelyarns a receipt from April 30 for Sandman from us, you get a 15% off the Sandman yarn.
We are doing a Bookstore Roadtrip with the two other indie bookstores in our county, A Likely Story, and The Last Word. We have cards for customers to have signed with purchase at all three stores throughout the month of April, and then we will use the cards to raffle prizes after the close of business on IBD.
Meet local author Dawn Wilson 1–3 pm. Her book, Who Am I? A Teen’s Creative Guide to Adulting, melds art, creativity, healing, and teaching into a journey of self-discovery. As a teen, rebelling against society’s norms she struggled to be true to herself. Stepping into the unknown, she created a new path that brings purpose, energy, and connection to the world around her. Her deepest desire is for readers to find their own unique voices in their creative journey towards becoming an adult.
The Book Shop of Beverly Farms
We’ll have exclusive IBD merchandise for sale and local authors visiting. Plus, our Bananagrams pick-a-promo is back: pick a letter to determine which discount or giveaway you’ll receive with your purchase.
Part of what makes bookstores special is that you never know what you might discover in the stacks or on the staff recommendations wall. Enter our “Discovered at HBS” raffle this April by emailing or posting on social media, and tell us about a book you discovered at Harvard Book Store or on our website that you didn’t come in looking for. How did you discover it? Was it from a staff recommendation card, or a window display, or did the title just leap out at you off the shelf? Use #DiscoveredAtHBS in your post or email (and post before May 1, 2022) and we’ll give away one $100 gift card to our favorite entry!
Hygge House Books, a pop-up bookshop whose mission is to promote local literacy, will be at Redemption Rock Brewery in Worcester, MA on April 30 from 1 pm to 4 pm. The celebration will include exclusive sales, prizes, books for all ages, and, of course beer and coffee! A portion of all sales will be used to buy new books to donate to the 17th Annual Worcester: The City That Reads Book Drive. There will also be a book drive drop-box for guests to donate their own gently used children’s books (ages Pre-K through Grade 8 only).
Storybook Cove is celebrating Indie Bookstore Day in person again this year, but this time with no occupancy limits! Back by popular demand, we will have hula hoops and bubbles outside to enjoy.
We will be giving out fun free items while supplies last and will have for-purchase exclusive books and literary items that you can only get on that day. Purchase $50 in products and receive a FREE 2022 Independent Bookstore Day Tote Bag — perfect for carrying books, games & more and letting people know you supported an Independent Bookstore!
Follow the balloons and check out the discount baskets throughout the store for great deals on books for all ages!
Fun for the whole family! Kids and Adults come join us to make a Storybook Cove Independent Bookstore Day Mad Lib Story at 9:30 am or 4:15 pm
Come meet two local authors: Children and Adult Author Bridget Hart-Kenney will be signing her books from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and reading at 11:30 am. She is a gifted memoir writer (with her Dad), a teacher, and a dog lover! Children’s author G Pa Rhymes will be signing his wonderful picture books from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. He will do a reading at 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm — You do not want to miss the RHYMING FUN with this kids’ rapper!
We are going to launch the Cape & Islands Bookstore Trail for 2022! We will also have two events featuring a book bingo scavenger hunt in which attendees find books using prompts on a BINGO sheet: one in the morning for children featuring donuts from a local donut maker, and one in the evening for adults featuring a live local musician and mocktails using a recipe from the book Tequila Mockingbird!
An Unlikely Story Bookstore & Café
Stop by An Unlikely Story and shop to receive giveaways and purchase exclusive books and literary items that you can only get on that day. We will be offering Blind Date with a Book! With every book or gift purchase made in-store, customers will receive a free advanced reader copy, while supplies last.
Join us from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm to get your photo taken with Esteban the Magnificent Pea Green Crayon, based on the beloved picture book The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers. From 11 to 12, the fabulous ukulele band The Unlikely Strummers will perform while kids get their photos taken with Esteban. More details and to register for the free photo opportunity.
Then at 2:00 pm, join us for a virtual event sure to be a WHALE of a good time, all about BAD food! Joe Whale, who goes by The Doodle Boy on social media, has sprung to international success which began when he was commissioned to decorate an eight-foot wall at a local restaurant. There is one rule Joe always follows and that is, “ ‘There is no right or wrong in Art just interpretation’ and this means when I create I am completely free to express...” Author Eric Luper and Joe Whale will talk all about the second book in their Bad Food series, The Good, The Bad, And The Hungry and answer audience questions in this free virtual event. More information and to register for this free event.
R&B Used Books, LLC
We have a local youth group coming in to perform on violin and ukulele. We will have giveaways and are hoping to connect with other local bookstores to set up a crawl/punch card drawing for a basket with items from each store and gift certificates.
We will have cupcakes, a “Grape Expectations” mocktail, a raffle with juicy prizes, and will give away our old ARCs to our community as a thank you for their support!
We are giving away a FREE IBD tote filled with goodies to the first 10 people who spend $75. Drawings for prizes including in-store gift cards and other items. We will also be selling exclusive IBD merch.
A local author will do a puppet show! We'll have live music, chalk on the patio, scratch-off prizes, and Kevin Cannon passports.
WoW Books and Toy Store
This will be our first IBD since opening our physical space! We’ll be hosting caricature artist and illustrator David Jackson and he’ll be doing free drawings for customers. He’s a Black artist out of Jackson, Mississippi. We’ll also have some treats by Crumb Bucket LLC available. She’s a fellow Black businesswoman in Gulfport, Mississippi. We’ll be giving away signed books every hour, and we’ll also have some BOGOs available for customers.
…and whatever else I (Debbie) come up with!!! Looking forward to it all.
Author event with wildlife photographer Julie Argyle who will sign her books, “Bears: The Mighty Grizzlies of the West” and “Wolves: Western Warriors.” We'll celebrate with prizes, refreshments and fun.
Tying in to Pajama Day, we’re having a storytime and Teddy Bear Sleepover at the store on Friday night. Kiddos come in their jammies for storytime, then leave their stuffies at the store. We'll post photos of the animals playing & reading around the store on our social media and then all the families will come back on IBD to pick up their critters! (Get those families in the store TWICE, amirite?) We’re also hosting an IBD book signing with four local authors with new releases.
Exclusive Items for sale, raffles, ARC Giveaways! Folks who wear Gibson’s merch during the week of IBD will get a full stamp card, good for 20% off an entire transaction!
We will be having three LIVE author events for Independent Bookstore Day, as well as premiering our latest BookTowne jingle. We recently had a “soft open” for the new wing of the store, called BookTowne &, and we’d be happy to give any visitors a grand tour!
Selling exclusive IBD merchandise! IBD cupcakes! AND a local author, Maxwell Eaton III will be announcing the winners of a “Bear Builds a House” contest and staying for a book signing.
We have invited EVERY AUTHOR we’ve hosted for an event in the past year (virtual or in person) to stop by our bookstores to say hi on Indie Bookstore Day! Dozens of authors will be passing through our stores for photo-ops and informal book signings. We’re also offering exclusive IBD merchandise for sale, and a free Greenlight pencil case with every $50 purchase (while supplies last)!
Greenlight is also one of 21 Brooklyn bookstores participating in the Brooklyn Bookstore Crawl, April 23–30, with prizes and an afterparty! Bookstore lovers can pick up a passport at any participating stores and visit five or more stores to win discounts and other prizes. Details at
The Treehouse Reading and Arts Center
We are doing different activities each week from our store birthday (March 18) up through Independent Bookstore Day, related to women-owned businesses, earth day, the spring break camp we’ll run, and community Lego and puzzle building. For IBD specifically, we have incentives for customers who join us in Spirit Week, we will have the Mouse from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie visiting on IBD, and we are going to run Music Bingo, which will hopefully have extra customer buy-in because we'll ask folks to send us their favorite jams through social media.
A free kids storytime event, free cookies, and special IBD merchandise for sale.
Storytime in the AM with Johanna & Billy, orange juice, and nibbles.
Twelve bookstores in the greater Charlotte area are planning a book crawl. We are starting the beginning of April and really focusing on April 29–May 1.
Hosting Giveaways, Social Media Scavenger Hunt, Book Trivia, and Local Author Signings.
New & Olde Pages Book Shoppe
We have nine authors stopping in to visit throughout the day. We always have refreshments, and lately they have all been individually wrapped. We give out goodie bags to all adult customers who visit which includes galleys from authors we’ve reviewed and any swag from IBD or author’s mailings. We usually have a door prize drawing every hour with bookie gifts. Always a great day!
Best of Books plans to host a special storytime for Pretty Perfect Kitty-Corn, as well as other activities. We will have door prizes, sales, and giveaways!
In celebration of our grand reopening, we’re giving away 40 indie tote bags to our first 40 customers who spend $40. Totes will be stuffed with free books and other goodies. Local Author Speed Dating from noon to 2 pm, and IBD exclusives and giveaways for kids and adults.
Breakfast with the Books — We’re opening an hour early and serving donuts and juice to you (not the books), as you get a little extra time to browse and enjoy some free refreshments.
Spend $50 and get your choice of an Aaron’s Books Tote (which when you use it on future visits you get 5% taken off your purchase) or an Aaron’s Books travel mug (great for the environment as you get your morning caffeine to go).
Young readers aged 5–12 can enter our "I Love Bookstores" bookmark contest. We’ll have a table set up for the budding artists to create a book for the store. We’ll then have a contest for the community to choose the three bookmarks we’ll be using this summer at the shop. All entrants will get a little treat that day, and the three winners will get an Aaron’s Books Gift Card.
And we can’t forget the Indie Bookstore Day Exclusive items we’ll have on sale. These include mugs, tote bags, reading journals, and coloring books.
BR Books will be hosting a book signing by local author, Mary Cantell, from 10 am to noon. Mary will be signing her new inspirational fiction title, Hope Another Way. We will have giveaways and goodies all day, and all used hardcover books will be $1.00!
Book giveaways, Raffles, Guest Booksellers, and more!
Let’s Play Books Bookstore
9:30 am: Early in for members! 10:00 am – 5:00 pm: Shop Open - gifts with purchase, raffle(s), and giveaways.
11:00 am – 1:00 pm: Draw with Bob McLeod! Author, illustrator, New Mutants co-creator, and comic book legend Bob McLeod will be onsite to talk to, draw, ask questions, you name it. Plus, sign copies of SuperHero ABC!
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Meet Mirabelle! Mirabelle from A Storybook Party will be here to sign her Little Golden Book Encanto (and others) and take a photograph with your favorite readers!
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm: Pre-release Book Launch with author Timothy Janonvsky, Never Been Kissed. Timothy Janovsky is a queer, multidisciplinary storyteller from New Jersey. Twizzlers are included!
3:30 pm: Turtle Time Art & Story Time with TMS Illustrates We are celebrating our love for author & illustrator Matt Phelan! Stop by for a special storytime with his two most recent picture books, Turtle Walks & Sweater Weather.
We’ll have IBD merchandise, giveaways, and prizes all day. In the tent out front we’ll have kids’ authors Greg Pizzoli and Sarah Jacoby signing books and leading fun activities from 10 am to 12 pm. From 1 pm to 3 pm we’ll have Barbara Page, author of Book Marks, leading an art activity for adult book lovers.
Making Worlds Bookstore and Social Center
Hosting special promos and giveaways, music, and readings.
Bestselling local author, Austin Kleon, will be slinging IBD exclusives (including his IBD zine!) and his favorite books as a guest bookseller from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Be sure to “Mask Up!”
Free IBD Totes for first 10 customers, plus free book lover’s swag, drawings for gifts & discounts for all customers, and select IBD exclusives available all day!
Hosting a storewide sale and refreshments
A plethora of published local authors, illustrators, and poets will be celebrating with ALL the Twiggies, past and present…because it is Independent Bookstore Day & WE ARE 50! #TheTwigIsFifty.
The King’s English Bookshop
Hosting local author Meet & Greets and Story Times, Face Painting, Bookmark Making with a Local Artist, Giveaways, Freebies.
We have gotten together with five other local stores to create an IBD passport. Getting at least five stamps on your passport gets you an IBD tote bag. We also have lots of IBD exclusive goodies and have restocked our store t-shirts to have on hand.
New Dominion Bookshop will be offering free balloons for children on Independent Bookstore Day. In lieu of our traditional Rose Garden Party, we will be offering free refreshments in the Rose Garden throughout the day (9:30 am–5:00 pm, while supplies last). Customers can stop by for a treat, or simply take a moment to admire the roses.
We are going to have a few local authors come in for signing!
We have author readings and signings, our local mermaid pod is swinging by for photos, and we’ll be having a costume contest!
Mystery gift-wrapped giveaways with purchase, free cool re-useable “Eat Sleep Read” bags with larger purchases, enter a drawing for 25% off coupon ALL YEAR!
The Wise Owl Books and Music
Currently, we have a smoothie pop-up and a plant pop-up setting up, a spoken word artist, a children’s storytime and an acrylic artist that will be painting live through out the day. We’ve also hired a local baker to create some cookies for us with the IBD logo and theme.
The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.
Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.
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