Best plants for Wisconsin: They help other species, ecosystem thrive

2022-09-09 22:12:20 By : Mr. Mike Li

In Wisconsin, some keystone plants stand above all the others: oak trees.

Keystone oaks for the Dairy State include white, bur, swamp white, chinkapin and black.

In fact, the white oak Quercus alba is listed as the No. 1 keystone plant for nearly the entire state, according to the National Wildlife Federation’s list of keystone plants by ecoregion. This is because the white oak amazingly acts as a host plant for up to 450 species of caterpillars, according to the NWF.

Sounds pretty impressive for this long-lived, low-maintenance, native Wisconsin tree.

Ecologists increasingly toss about the term keystone plant, but what exactly is a keystone plant? Even veteran gardeners and landscapers may not be familiar with the term. In addition to oak trees, what are some of the other keystone plants for Wisconsin?

The answers may surprise you.

“A keystone plant is significant to the food web in a higher degree than average,” said Ben French, vice president of propagation and product development at Johnson’s Nursery in Menomonee Falls.

French said keystone plants have a “high ecological value” but the definition can be subjective and specific species will change with the location.

In architecture, a keystone is the central stone in an arch that locks the whole structure together. The term keystone species has been used in science for decades to describe a species that many others depend upon; and if it were removed, the ecosystem would destabilize and collapse.

For example, the NWF states that 96% of U.S. terrestrial birds rely on insects supported by keystone plants.

Think of keystone plants as native plant overachievers. They are standouts supplying maximum impact. They are part of a trend toward viewing your backyard as one small piece of a much larger wildlife ecosystem. Some are simply calling it habitat gardening.

Here’s what you need to know about Wisconsin’s keystone plants for yards, businesses, open spaces, parks or places of worship.

Somewhat surprisingly, trees top the list when it comes to keystone plants.

French said much of what happens in trees literally takes place over our heads. In yards, trees are lower-maintenance plants and often don’t require the attention of property owners.

Trees can be “sort of out of sight, out of mind,” he said. “It’s a lot easier to watch a big tiger swallowtail flittering around a coneflower versus a mature oak tree, which could be housing hundreds of species in its canopy so you wouldn’t encounter them,” he explained.

The reason trees are so key involves caterpillar diversity. Certain trees lead the list for keystone plants because they act as a host plant for many caterpillar species. In addition to oaks, other trees that top the list include American plum, black cherry, chokecherry, river birch, sweet birch, bitternut hickory and Eastern white pine.

Sugar maple, Wisconsin’s state tree, is another keystone plant that acts as a host plant for well over 200 caterpillar species. Interestingly, silver maple and box elder, also a member of the maple family, along with Eastern cottonwood, are also keystone plants, according to the NWF. Those three, however, are sometimes thought of as “junk” trees to be removed but nonetheless offer high wildlife value.

Unfortunately, in urban areas there is a scarcity of oaks.

“Oaks in the landscape are kind of few and far between. They are pretty hard to find in cities,” French explained. “Oaks are typically hard to transplant because of their taproot.”

French said Johnson’s Nursery has found a way around the long taproot issue to encourage more planting of oaks. “At Johnson’s, we have been perfecting a way to deal with taproots by encouraging fibrous roots,” meaning a network of shallower roots, he said. 

Oak trees at the nursery start at just over $100 for a 2- to 5-foot-tall oak tree in a container for DIYers to take home and plant themselves. A larger, 2-inch trunk diameter bur oak, standing 8- to 12-feet tall, runs about $500.

When buying trees from a nursery or online in this global economy, French advised consumers to ask where the tree and its seed came from. He recommended trees be as locally sourced as possible. Even species grown in different parts of the state may be slightly different and prefer different soils from where they will be planted.

He advised tree buyers to search out local ecotypes for best results. Ideally, trees should be raised within 50 to 100 miles of where they will eventually live.

French believes keystone plants will become increasingly sought out by gardeners and landscapers.

“It is not only a trend, but a necessity as far as a gardening goal,” he said. “In the not-so-distant past, it was ignored. I think the focus is definitely shifting as people become more concerned about the environment.”

French said a plant’s ecological value should trump its ornamental value, a startling contrast to how our grandparents gardened.

One of the catalysts for this change has been the best-selling books by Douglas Tallamy, including “Nature’s Best Hope” and “The Nature of Oaks.” Tallamy has been instrumental in changing of mindset of homeowners, French said. “He is doing real science to back it up. He’s on a great mission.”

Neil Diboll, another Wisconsin expert on keystone plants, is also impressed with Tallamy’s work.

“I think that with the efforts of the National Wildlife Federation and Doug Tallamy and other educators, yes, we certainly hope to hear more about keystone plants,” said Diboll, consulting ecologist and owner of Prairie Nursery in Westfield. “Nobody has been more important than Doug Tallamy in researching and promoting the essential ecological reasons for using native plants.”

Diboll has written his own book, “The Gardeners Guide to Prairie Plants,” along with contributor Hilary Cox to be released in spring 2023 by The University of Chicago Press.

Diboll said keystone plants have a special influence on the entire plant community and the NWF map is a solid starting point for gardeners.

“It’s a great guide for helping people select the plants that will give them the biggest ecological bang for the buck in their landscapes,” he said.

Still, a potential shortcoming of the NWF map is it’s broad and incomplete, Diboll pointed out. A sizable area of Wisconsin lies within the Eastern Temperate Forest region, which covers the entire eastern portion of the U.S. extending all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

“For instance, an important keystone tree in Wisconsin is the bur oak Quercus macrocarpa, but this is not listed on the Eastern Temperate Forest list. It is on the Great Plains list, but many of the shrubs and flowering perennials on that list are not native to Wisconsin,” he said.

“The tool is very general because each ecoregion covers many states, and does not list many important genera of flowers and grasses for prairie plants that I consider important. However, it is a great starting point for gardeners who are not familiar with the concept of keystone plants.”

In addition to oak, cherry and willow trees as keystone plants, Diboll also mentioned flowering perennials including native goldenrods, asters, sunflowers, rudbeckias and milkweeds. Some of those flowers made NWF’s list, some didn’t.

Goldenrod is listed as the top keystone perennial, according to the list.

“Goldenrod is one of the best, best plants for pollinators; it’s incredible the visitation on those,” he said.

Diboll also cited native coneflowers, blazing stars, Joe Pye weeds and ironweeds as excellent keystone plants for yards. “These are really good garden plants. They don’t spread, they behave,” he said.

Native coreopsis is another keystone plant suggested by Diboll and the NWF list.

As for milkweed, he singled out butterfly weed, a showy bright orange milkweed, for gardens with well-drained soil; and red milkweed, also called swamp milkweed, for average to moist soils.

Diboll said even though Prairie Nursery keeps increasing its supply of milkweed, it still has trouble keeping up with demand for those seeking to help monarch butterflies, which require milkweed as host plants. Monarchs were declared federally endangered this summer, and have been dramatically declining for years.

“More people are really serious about restoring habitat,” he said.

Diboll encouraged homeowners to think about plants as members of a diverse community, not individual components of a landscape. He advocated gardeners install complementary plant communities complete with trees, shrubs and perennials.

“Let’s say you have an acre lot. Here’s how you attract the most wildlife, birds, etc., you install complementary plant communities,” he explained.

Diboll said plant communities have elements of woodland near adjacent plantings of shrubs in groups of three to five, and prairie patches of grasses and flowers. Plant native flowers and ferns under the trees; Diboll said this will keep the woods more interesting. Interweave mowed grass paths in sunny areas around prairie flower beds for garden strolling and maintenance. This will allow homeowners to experience wildlife close up.

“Most gardeners do not know about keystone plants because our culture does not focus on the ecology of our gardens and landscapes,” Diboll said. “You need a diverse mix of trees, shrubs and flowers, along with some grasses and maybe some sedges, to create a complete habitat for pollinators, birds and other wildlife. It’s all about the diversity.”

Overall, Diboll hopes that the more homeowners understand keystone plants and their ecological value in restoring the land, the more they will plant them. “Most people want to be good stewards of the land. They just need to know what to do,” he said.

French said people will be amazed at the transformation of their yards by adding keystone plants. He has virtually covered his modest yard in West Allis with keystone plants and other natives to experience nature around the home he shares with his wife, Marian.

“It’s a pleasure to be gardening with this goal in mind,” French said.

Jennifer Rude Klett is a Wisconsin freelance writer of Midwestern life and author of “Home Cooking Comfort,” contact her at Follow her on Facebook at Jennifer Rude Klett: Nonfiction Writer.

Keystone plants are increasingly being planted to boost wildlife value in yards.

A handy tool, especially for beginning gardeners, is The National Wildlife Foundation’s online, user-friendly map of the different ecoregions in North America, along with a corresponding listing of keystone plants. The map can be found at

For Wisconsin, a large majority of the state is part of the region called the Eastern Temperate Forests. The northern quarter of the state lies in the Northern Forests region, and a small area near River Falls is part of the Great Plains region, according to the map.

Here’s a sampling of keystone plants in the Eastern Temperate Forests part of Wisconsin, which is about the lower two-thirds of the state. Remember, these are all native varieties, so confirm the scientific names before purchasing so you don’t end up with a cultivar that is slightly altered and may not provide the same wildlife value.

White oak: Quercus alba, attracts 436 caterpillar species

Black oak: Quercus velutina, attracts 436 caterpillar species

American plum: Prunus americana, attracts 340 caterpillar species

Black cherry: Prunus serotina, attracts 340 caterpillar species

Chokecherry: Prunus virginiana, attracts 340 caterpillar species

Silver maple: Acer saccharinum, attract 238 caterpillar species

Sugar maple: Acer saccharum, attract 238 caterpillar species

Eastern white pine: Pinus strobus, attracts 200 caterpillar species

Northern highbush blueberry: Vaccinium corymbosum, attracts 217 caterpillar and 14 bee species

Prairie willow: Salix humilis, attracts 289 caterpillar and 14 bee species

Stiff leaf goldenrod: Solidago rigida, attracts 104 caterpillar and 42 bee species

Smooth aster: Symphyotrichum laeve, attracts 100 caterpillar and 33 bee species

Woodland sunflower: Helianthus divaricatus, attracts 66 caterpillars and 50 bee species

Black-eyed Susan: Rudbeckia hirta, attracts 20 caterpillar and 29 bee species

Lanceleaf coreopsis: Coreopsis lanceolata, attracts 7 caterpillar and 22 bee species