SINCE WE BECAME informed about the “miracle drug” of gardening (Bone Meal) and how crucial it is to continued success of your blooming spring bulbs — let’s start talking about spring bulbs.
Now is the time to start preparing your order for a November planting.
So let’s begin with the mainstay — tulips.
Tulips have a very long history dating back about 800 years.
Their history is steeped in the eastern Mediterranean area and stretches into Central Asia. There are about 80 different species of wild tulips on the dry mountain slopes and upper valleys.
They first appeared in Persian poetry as early as the 12th century. The Ottoman Empire, as early as the 1500s, collected various tulips from the wilds and displayed them in gardens by the thousands.
A traveling diplomat arriving back from Istanbul, Turkey, introduced the first tulips to Renaissance Europe, where they took Holland by storm.
Tulip mania ensued as aristocrats soon had an out of control commodity market in broken tulips. Broken tulips were created by a virus that gave pedals a flamed or feathered look. But the virus weakened the plant, slowing its reproduction.
As a result, these intriguing flowers were very rare and caused much market speculation. It wasn’t until 1920 that it was discovered the virus is spread by aphids.
Although Holland had the greatest tulip fever, the Royal Gardens of France, Italy and Switzerland were also adorned with this magnificent flower.
Flower carpets were created for Queen Victoria using tulips.
By the 20th century, perennial and cottage gardens were in vogue as the explosion of new tulip varieties were working their way into every crack of the gardener’s world.
Today, the knowledge in pot-forcing production and specific breeding for stem quality helps tulips enjoy a huge market share in both cut-flower production and as potted plants for the home from Valentine’s Day through Mother’s Day.
So why would anyone not want a few hundred tulips around the house for three or four months of breathtaking enjoyment?
I hope it’s not because of the lack of knowledge.
Many folks could easily become confused with the multitude of tulip types, characteristics and blooming times that exist.
Well, here is a road map to guide you through tulip land and to make sure all the special attractions are seen.
All tulips can fall into one or more of three crucial divisions based on blooming times — early, mid or late bloomers. For me, it’s all about having as many tulips — and varying colors, sizes and textures — blooming at as many different times as possible.
At a bare minimum, you should have tulips blooming from March to June.
To further complicate things, some tulips last only one season, while others last for years or decades.
As a rule, the hybrids are spectacular for show, but last only one or two years. The trick is to mix both long-lasting and short-lived each year into new and creative displays of color and design.
So with all this in mind, let’s take a look at the three big time divisions.
This grouping includes early single and early double classifications. These tulips bloom with the earliest daffodils and may perform well for years. Apricot Beauty, a sensational color, is an early bloomer and the number one selling tulip in America. Because temperatures are cooler during early spring, these flowers last exceptionally long, as long as 5 weeks.
Here are some to try: Doubles such as Peach blossom and Abba; multi-flower or bunch tulips such as the pink Toronto or the lovely soft pink Happy Family.
This is a huge group of tulips which includes many specific tulips, Darwin hybrids, triumph, fringed and Griegii types. The Fringe tulips are awesome with their ice crystal-like serrated edges and Triumphs are known for interesting coloring and mixes, as well as their suitability for pot forcing.
Darwin hybrids are the largest flowers you will encounter on tulips. Along with their strong stems and vivid bright colors, they are perfect for arrangements or bold color statements in the yard.
Midsize tulips bloom at the same time as primula, anemones, poppy and the stately fritillaria. They should be planted among those varieties with pansy and viola borders.
Kaufmannia, Fosteriana and Greigii tulips are all descendants from early Asian species and last for many years. They are the earliest of the mid-season tulips and last 4 to 5 weeks.
This is another large category that encompasses single late, double late and, my favorites, the lily flower and parrot tulips. These bloom along with allium, peony, rhododendrons and azaleas.
Single late tulips offer beguiling colors, are very tall, and perfect for annual and floral arrangements. Ideal choices in this category are the black “Queen of night,” deep red “Kingsblood” or the unique bluish “Bleu armable.”
The late double tulips are huge, gorgeous, peony flowers that perform well for many years.
Lily tulips are splendid with their graceful tapered ends which flare outward enhancing itself as it opens. They have great staying power, are elegant as cut flowers and stand up fairly well as pot plants.
But the parrot tulips, despite their poor performance in pots and little ability to last even two or three years, are still the star of the tulip world.
These are the tulips of great artworks and botanical drawings. They are tall, huge, vivid flowers that will be showstoppers in a vase and are usually bi- or tri-colored.
Last year, I planted more than 40 varieties of tulips on the Peninsula and hope to add to that number this year.
How about you trying at least 10 varieties yourselves?
I bet you’ll be hooked for life, and speaking of life — please stay well all!
Andrew May is a freelance writer and ornamental horticulturist who dreams of having Clallam and Jefferson counties nationally recognized as “Flower Peninsula USA.” Send him questions c/o Peninsula Daily News, P.O. Box 1330, Port Angeles, WA 98362, or email [email protected] (subject line: Andrew May).
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